Hello! I am a PhD student in Public Policy at the University of Tokyo from 2023. My research interests are in empirical industrial organization, applied econometrics and labor economics. I received a BA in Economics from Waseda University and an MA in Economics from the University of Tokyo.

  • Contact: utamaru@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Selected Work-in-Progress

Nonparametric Identification of Production Functions without a Markov Assumption

Abstract This paper proposes a new method for identifying and estimating production functions without the first-order Markov assumption for productivity, which is typically required for identification. By removing this assumption, it becomes possible to identify production functions even when the first-order Markov assumption is not satisfied. After proving the result of nonparametric identification, I compare the performance of our method with an existing method using parametric models through Monte Carlo simulations. While existing methods fail to estimate parameters when the data do not satisfy the first-order Markov assumption, my proposed method can accurately estimate parameters.

A Simple Solution to Two Identification Problems in the Selection Bias Correction by Olley and Pakes (1996)

Abstract This paper proposes a simple method to solve both the problem identified by Hahn et al. (2023) regarding the sample selection bias correction method of Olley and Pakes (1996), and an additional identification problem that has not yet been pointed out. These identification problems can be addressed by explicitly accounting for imperfect competition. Specifically, I use the variation of sufficient statistics under imperfect competition developed by Ackerberg and De Loecker (2024) to address the second stage identification problem of estimating the elasticity of capital input. To verify the performance in finite samples, I conduct Monte Carlo simulations, which confirm that the proposed method adequately corrects for selection bias.

Revisiting the Relationship between Value-Added and Gross Cobb-Douglas Production Functions

Abstract (TBA) TBA